Having The Right Support
Your support team matters
Having the right support team will play a crucial part in staying consistent in your fitness journey and allow you to enjoy the process.
But how can you do that?
How can you get your friends, partner, spouse, and family to be there for you?
The answer is not simple but here is a couple of suggestions to follow by.
Create a space to address the reasons why embarking on this journey is important for you.
Tell them how this can help your mood, your health, and your well-being.
They might not be ready to make those changes yet, or they might not see it as an important value to them. So, making those changes can be difficult. This is why it is important to address that you are also listening to their concerns.
The last thing you want to do is have a rigid schedule, but creating a weekly template of how your week will be split will allow your support team to help you achieve your goals.
For instance; finding time in the day to workout.
Come to an agreement that this is a time for you to focus on yourself so if there are plans to be made they should be aware of it.
Creating a time in a day may lead to having one person sacrifice X, which is ok so long as you address those challenges and you can make up for it in a way that they will appreciate the teamwork that you are also making.
Take time every two weeks or each month to address what is working and what is not.
If you don’t address it you will not be aware of it. This might create tension.
Now, this might be up to what you feel like. But having your support team join your activity will help them see the value of it, and they might join you in your journey.
Just remember, don’t twist their arms. Let them know that they can help you if they desire and you will always welcome their intention to join you.
For example, going for walks, cooking together and trying new healthy recipes, or perhaps trying an activity that you both enjoy.
Don't forget to give yourself a reward for being supportive of each other.
Here are a couple of questions that could help steer the direction of the conversion to meet in the middle.
Q. How can you play a role in supporting me in this journey?
Q. What are the challenges you foresee to be the most difficult?
Q. Does my reasoning for embarking on this journey make sense? And if not, how can I help you see it?
Q What role do you see yourself play to help me embark on this journey?
Hope this helps you next time you are planning to embark on your fitness and wellness journey.
Need more guidance? then reach out to me and we plan out your journey together!